Saturday, 31 December 2011

A little "peeved" this crimbo/new year....

Been off work since finishing early (about 2pm) on the 23rd and am due back about 0730 on the 3rd.

Fortunately, my time spent with Clare and the family has been pleasant, but the "peeved" comment I'm alluding to in the title is to do with the TV and the "January sales".

Luckily for us, we have the "Sky TV" satellite service and hence one of the largest choices of channels to watch in the country. The only problem has been that most of the so called "christmas selection" of programmes has been complete and utter shite!

The films that are usually shown as a highlight tend to be the bigger, well known ones that have been shown at the cinema to great acclaim, but this year, it seems that all of the ones I've noticed on the programme listings have either been "also ran's" or ones that have been shown so many times as to have become a complete fucking yawn.

The only one of note that I've managed to see and enjoy, was the last of the Harry Potter films and that was on a "pay per view" channel.

Apart from that, our saviour has been "Dave". It's tag line is "the channel that's the home of witty banter". So yes, it has had a lot of reruns of "Mock the Week", "Have I got news for you", "QI", "Top Gear", etc etc. Now it's fair to point out that in just about all cases, we'd already seen the various episodes when they were originally shown, but they're amusing enough to keep us entertained a second time round. Thank fuck for that, otherwise it would have been a complete waste of time pressing the on/off switch!

Also, having had some time to use the PC to have a dig around for any possible bargains, it would seem that the only ones to be found, are probably in the high streets, because looking online has proven a complete waste of time.

Perhaps if you want either "white goods" or electronic stuff, then fine you might find at least some savings, yet the stuff I'm in the market for doesn't seem to have been marked down at all. I'm just looking for some cheap, plain t-shirts, underwear, jeans and a new pair of crocs or two.

I can find fuck all in the way of savings, which is despite the so called "economic down turn" that's currently (according to the news and other media people anyway) happening in the world.

I mean, are all these sales people so determined to earn a penny, so desperate that they must retain every penny of their over priced goods to make money ? Or would it be better to discount the numbers where they can to shift some stock and still make a few quid ?

Come on you sales types. Knock some prices down if you want to sell stuff. The media fuckers have got us all so brainwashed to believe that we must all be skint, just because the banks are (where they fucked up big time a couple of years ago), it's the only way you're gonna make some sales..... especially in the next couple of months a.k.a. the quiet time of the year for most market/sales sectors.....

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