Sunday, 8 January 2012

Fashion Fuck up's ?

What is it about the fashion industry ? More's the point, it doesn't matter what it is that these people say is currently "fashionable", because they'll say anything...... just to get a sale and a few more £/$/€ out of your pocket.

A lot of women and girls are still wearing "Ugg" boots. Why they might wear them in the first place is a better question. Yes, I'm sure they're warm, if the weather is cold, but they're fuck all use if it's wet. Plus too make things worse, they're fucking "Ugg"ly, or maybe just fuggly..... They look like the sort of footwear that was advertised in the "sunday supplements" 20 years ago at old people. They have no style to them whatsoever.

So if you own a pair and use them for anything other than keeping your feet warm, then you're a style free, "mug punter"...... cos they're fucking ugly !

The same applies to any type of womes shoes, that have been designed with thick soles. The use of a high heel is different, because the look  and more specifically the height of a heel is more about how they make your female leg look i.e. the higher the heel, the more "scrunched up" the calf muscle is and the more shape it gives the lower leg. Fair enough then, yet to look good, the shape of the heel must be thicker, directly under the base of the heel, tappering down to a slimmer/thinner base that actually connects with the floor below the shoe (does that make sense ?). In other words, it's wider below the foot and tapers in. Of course, a womans ability to actually walk with such heels does take practice and is dependant on the height of the heel.

Now that is very different from shoes designed with thick soles or shoes that have a heel that splays out from the base of the heel. It doesn't matter which type, both heels that splay out and thick soles, irrespective of the style and design of the shoes upper, it make it look like you are wearing orthopaedic footware, designed for those with some sort of foot disability. In other words, like the Ugg boots, they're also fucking ugly! It doesn't matter who made or designed them, they're fucking ugly.

Before I finish, and yes, it's still shoes/footwear....... some other total cunt, seems to think that brining back "wedge heels" was also a good idea. Well the person who thought that, and convinced some shoe manufacturers that it was a good idea should be dragged out into the street and be beaten to death. Cos they're just like Ugg boots, thick soles and wide splayed heels, they look like shit, and they make the wearer look like a total fool, with a mental throw back to the 70's. They were ugly then, and they're ugly now.

It doesn't help that the current trend for women to wear "leggings", "skinny jeans" and thick wooly tights as trousers (which in a lot of cases, does look good/nice) because wearing any of the footwear I'm mentioned above, makes them look like they've got golf clubs, some with wooly/sheepskin covers, sticking out their arse. Or it makes them look like they're wearing footwear for the deformed!

Lets face it, there's a million and one styles and types of footwear out there. If you're gonna get something new, then make sure that it's either practical and/or stylish and/or appropriate, and more than anything else, it suits you. Hell, if need be, go and try on the new look/style, but get a friend to take a picture of you wearing them, take the image home, then scrub out the face, as knowing and seeing that it was you, is a distraction. Then look at your shape and see if that style will actually suit you and not make you look like a complete fucking idiot!

And yes, there's also a problem with mens footwear, except in most cases, it's more subtle. The ones that looks completely fucking foolish, are some of the designs of sports type footwear i.e. trainers and the like. Don't let the design nazis at the likes of Nike, Adidas, Reebok, etc etc churn out styles and designs of footwear that look fucking rubbish, but come with all the brain washing shite of how you won't be able to live without them - ha! you won't if you end up paying what they want to get out of your pocket! I mean, unless it's specialist sports footwear from professional sports people, then paying anything over about £50 or £60 is complete robbery. They don't cost a fraction of that to make, because they use sweat shops in the far east i.e. the "dollar a day workers"......

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