Trundling around for the last few days........... Nothing new there.
So I'm starting to notice, not only adverts on the TV, but also bill boards and other similar type notices put up by various businesses that are "wishing our customers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year".
Why on earth, would anyone think that any businesses actually give a fuck if we, the money spending customer, actually do have a nice time over the "festive" period ?
Are people that fucking stupid ?
It's like I also notice that companies are also putting up face book pages so we can all hit "like" and get blow by blow accounts of how wonderful they are and how much of a favour they're doing us by telling us of their wonderful bargains.
Surely facebook was started for People to "network" (god I just hate some of the terms that are used in modern language)......
Personally I don't give a monkey's toss about corporate shit! They should just make a fucking web page that's easy to follow/navigate, what the current price or so called "special offer" might be and then shut the fuck up.
The business world is only there to try and extract as much from our collective wallet/purse/handbag/etc and they don't give a fuck about us as human beings. Hell I understand that companies/businesses actually have legal recognition as some sort of "corporate person". I don't know whether that's the case here or not, but either way, any such recognition should be banned and when it comes to elections etc, if the company or any of it's "officers" try to affect the outcome of an election or similar, then those in charge should be dragged out of their offices and be tied to street furniture and publicly electrocuted (oh and their personal assets sequestered and added to the "public purse").
Perhaps the same should be applied to political lobbyists as well........
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