Saturday, 10 December 2011

Cameron and the EU ?

So our great leader, Mr Cameron, was acting in the best interests of the country when he walked on the EU talks about financial integration. Was he now ?
Of course, its entirely coincidental that he made the excuses shouted loud around the streets of "the City" that those nasty foreign types that people the upper echelons of the EU, might use the new treaty/powers, to slap a "transaction tax" on bond, shares and other financial type "business" transactions.....
And of course, equally coincidentally, has no conflict of interest, what with him being exceptionally wealthy, courtesy of the mountain his late father made from share dealing......
Sorry, but IMO, its nothing more that hypocritical self interest, from him and his "city cronies" looking to make yet more money, while pandering to the whims of the small minded "little Englander" types that fill a larger portion of Tory rank and file.
Yes, its fair to point out that I don't entirely trust the most influential EU leaders, but as they are the only people who've granted us (the working majority) any kind of legal rights, I'm inclined to suspect that towing the EU line is probably better than sucking up to the Tory financial backers......
They just want to increase the rich/not so/poor wealth gap....
Perhaps my little bit of throw away sarcasm "the only good Tory is a dead one", has a ring of truth about it......
At least I can stand back, and "hand on heart" say, "you fools voted them in, not me"........

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