Sunday 2 June 2019

How long will it be before I get a decent nights sleep ?

I haven't really blogged much about Brexit, because it's been so heavily covered in the media.

Some people are moaning about "brexit fatigue", which I can sort of understand but certainly don't agree with.

Having read much from both sides, I'm happy to stick with my initial attitude that it's a stupid and ill thought out move.

It would seem that Cameron initially decided a referendum was a good idea because it would shut the euro-skeptics up once and for all.


They put more effort in with their campaign, even though the most basic of scrutiny of their claims has turned out to not only be "spin" but lies, both bare faced and by omission.

ALL the economic stuff that "Remain" put out comes from authoritative individuals and groups. Some of it is showing itself to be true as it all progresses.

For instance, any job losses at Sunderland, Scunthorpe or Swindon ? well congratulations. You've got what you voted for.

"But we didn't vote for that" I hear them squeal, but yes my friends, it doesn't matter whether you thought about it at all, you're getting exactly what you voted for.

Oh, you didn't realise that leaving the EU might entail job losses, higher prices in the shops, a loss of many freedoms you currently enjoy, etc etc ? Well again, tough shit - that's what you voted for.

Neither side have/had a plan. Remain because of complacency, Leave because most of their leading lights are "one policy wonders" and the politicians who've actually supported it don't have enough of a depth of knowledge to come up with alternatives, let alone a coherent set of policies that cover most, if not all possible issues.

The Leave side are still trying to keep their head down and mouth shut, except to keep parroting about how the vote result was "the will of the people", I'd suggest that's because THEY KNOW that keeps people in the dark as to the true negatives of leaving the EU. Taking the view that "what they don't know, can't hurt them" is just pure bollocks. It leaves the majority of the country in political limbo, with no clue as to how to prepare for something they aren't aware of or don't understand. While all the "leading lights" of Leave, are wealthy/comfortable enough to withstand any downturn in economics that WILL AFFECT THE WORKING CLASSES THE MOST.

Business who aren't so good will end up laying people off. So those then end up on the benefits shit pile (costing the country more).

Plus all the attempts by leave to paint a prettier picture of leaving the EU to isolate the country economically, are alluding to the metaphor of "jam tomorrow".

Ok, well that's a marvellous idea. Except what if "tomorrow" is a generation away ? and what if that "tomorrows jam" turns out to be a single serving portion to split down about 70 million way ? who decides who'll get that single serving ? you and me ? not fucking likely.

If you think brexit is a good idea you are a fool, a waste of effort and just about qualify as "land fill"

You don't leave a job without a new one to go to. You don't change one plan or idea unless you've got a better one to replace it with.......

Unicorns don't exist. Farage and the rest of this rubbish are trying for a power grab that will represent a profit margin to them in some way. Whether it's JRM and his hedge fund (off shore, coincidentally), or Farage and his change to get rid of the NHS so that it has to be profit making insurance based (like the US, who pay more for their health care and enjoy a lower standard), or Hubris and his raging hard on to be prime minister (depsite his lack of ability to lead and the job being beyond his ability - no he's not an unintelligent person, but he'd be better sticking to his journalism, because when a political job gets difficult, he just runs away).............

Sunday 9 July 2017

Shiny new phone ?........

So, my old phone was showing its age, as well as a few minor issues.

Now I'm no expert. I have an idea how it all works but you tend to get different ways of doing the same stuff depending on the maker (and yes, I appreciate that's no surprise, given that they all want a unique selling point etc).

So I opted for a Oneplus 5. In many ways it's a good phone, but there does seem a few issues.

They seem to have done some work on customer services, like setting up a community thing (which I also have problems with). I've managed to read a few of the problems peeps have had etc.

It arrived yesterday, and started on, though I'm buggered if I can find a decent instruction book/download. Ok so maybe there's something here already installed ? if there is, I'm fucked if I can find it.

So I'm having to look on the net for guidance etc.

By yesterday afternoon, I hadn't managed to migrate any stuff from my old phone except getting logged into Google and managing to use some of that data etc.

I've also been presented with a system update via some form of nagware, so had to update the device.

This has raised one of the issues I've read about, the instability of the Wi-Fi connection after the update. It doesn't hold the connection and I've yet to find a way of getting it to give me warnings/notifications when it drops, or even any way of switching off the move data for my sim card/number etc.

The community forums won't let me ask a question until I have  X amount of posts. Apparently this is an anti-spam thing, yet if I can't post questions when new to the brand/device, how the fuck can I clock up any posts ?

The design of the phone is pretty good, as is the various sites used to provide info about the brand and models....... It's like they gave most of the development time to designers and not enough to engineers and developers to make it work properly........

Well it's taken me a week to get used to it. I'm getting there slowly.

I still haven't managed to find some of the stuff I want to do, but like "British Rail", I'll get there eventually........

Thursday 10 November 2016

What have we done ?

So, Britain voted for Brexit and now the US has elected a racist, xenophobic misogynist.

The media seem to say it's all the fault of a "liberal elite".

What does that really mean ?

Could it be that it's a media coined phrase that tries to explain some of the more distasteful justification, while not accusing the working type ordinary voter and paper reading classes of being thick and not understanding the issues.

That liberal elite phrase suggests to me that they're suggesting that there's some sort of left leaning cartel trying to take over from the last right wing bogey man that hides in the shadows - the Zionist New World Order. Which is alleged to be a Jewish based cartel of rich people.

Sorry, that doesn't wash with me. It's more paranoid bollocks thought up by those not prepared to take part of the blame for how things currently are........

Sunday 21 February 2016

Trump (a euphemism for fart)......

I have a number of acquaintances/friends who are US nationals. They are generally a delight to know.

Many of them, are more acquaintance than friend as I know them through the net and various hobbies/interests etc.

Some I consider friend as I do know them personally.

I'm at a loss to understand how Mr Fart has become so popular in their "race to the Whitehouse".

All of the bits of the various media that I've seen/heard/read etc, he seems to be the worst kind of person.

Hypocritical i.e. he (apparently) used to be a democrat supporter. Shallow i.e. his (seemingly apparent) fixation with his hair (is it just a laughable "comb over" ? a "transplant" ? a "rug" ?). He seems to insist on using language that isn't about highlighting genuine issues, but rabble rousing nonsense that is easily proven to be incorrect as well as out and out lies.

I may have missed the point. That he's trying to show that anyone can become president if they throw enough money at a campaign and pander to those who aren't "the sharpest tool in the box" because they are gullible and easily swayed - yet their vote is as valid as the next person.

Sure, a two party system means that you often have to decide the best of two evils, but this man beyond a joke.

If the American public ends up being fool enough to elect this idiot, I can see any number of problems that they will encounter. They might think that money is some sort of magic bullet, but it has to come from somewhere - and given the penchant for the rich to make sure that they stay that way, there's only one

Monday 7 December 2015

Facebook can just fuck off.......

After using facebook for what ? about 3 or 4 years, they've decided they don't like my username.

A username I've been using for the better part of 10 years.

So they've "stolen" my facebook ID - maybe that's a bit strong, they've locked me out until I proved them with some sort of "official" ID - all the examples are US documentation which obviously I don't have - I'm not American.

The US doesn't respect the EU privacy regulations so why should I even contemplate this ?

Those I've been in contact with via facebook, know enough about me anyway. If I was privileged to meet with them in person, that'd be great and they'd know who I am (or I'd do them the courtesy of contacting them with the necessary details first).

So what other reason could there be ? Maybe so they can "data mine" even more info and try to sell or at least advertise more shit in my direction ? Maybe one of their major shareholders has this as an ultimate goal and have pushed this on the man Zuckerberg ?

Dunno. Don't care. Certainly not for him and his crappy system, that arbitrarily locks people out of their account in an attempt to get people to send them very private, personal information - what so the fuckers at the NSA or whatever your government "intelligence" organisation is called can hack your details to try and "know" you down to the "enth degree of a gnats chuff" ?

Erm, well no. I don't think so.

It'd be great to still get to chat with my peeps, but if a little privacy is the price I have to pay, then fine.

He/they can just fuck off.........

Monday 27 October 2014

Sharpys' "speech".........

A friend of mine was accused of not being "politically correct".

He's decent enough chap. Of the "Northern working bloke" sort of mould (you know the type, decent sort of chap, flat cap, walking the whippet to the pub etc).

I don't quite recall where he responded to the accusation (some sort of meeting?), but he read it out at another meet last month.

I, in turn, purloined his printed copy/notes and said I'd publish it on the net.

And yes, it did make me laugh (well I think so, I was pretty drunk at the time)......

Reply to Accusations.

Last week there was an email exchange between X XXXXX members, during which, I was accused of:




I will reply to these unfounded accusations separately.


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, homophobia is defined as: "An extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people".

I have no issue what so ever with gay's, queer's, faggot's, arse bandits, back door burglars, back door engineers, pansy's, poo pushers, Rear Admirals, rectal pioneers or knob jockey's.

Nor do I have any issue with any of the activities that the afore mentioned get up to that include: Licking the chocolate starfish, playing with the rusty bullet hole, mutual man milking, going down the dirt road, bun splitting, uphill gardening and going down the Bournville Boulevard.


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, sexism is defined as: "Predjudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex".

I am of the belief that women SHOULD be allowed to vote Labour and be able to go into working men's clubs, to work as bar staff.

You will never hear me use crude humour such as:

How many men does it take to open a beer? None, it should be open when she brings it to you!


What do you do when your woman comes out of the kitchen to whine at you ? Make her chain shorter!

This unfounded accusation came from someone who deliberately married a woman with small feet so that she could spend longer periods at the sink without feeling uncomfortable.

I do not subscribe to this "bro's before hoe's" attitude.


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is defined as: "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior".

It is my belief that all races have something positive to offer and are better than the English in many respects. For example, Chinks, Frogs, Indians and Wop's are all great at cooking. Paki's make great taxi drivers and Poles will do anything for a couple of quid! In fact, they all do things that serve the English quite well!

This unfounded accusation was made by someone who has a facebook page dedicated to hating Argentinians, their country and their culture but who still manages to drink Malbec!


I am surprised that the list of accusations made against me did not include weightism. Although not in the Oxford English Dictionary, weightism is a real word that is defined as: "Bias or discrimination against people who are overweight".

Living in the shadows cast by the eclipse of the bloaters has it's advantages. No sun burn, sun glasses never needed, night shift workers being able to sleep during the day, weighbridge callibration and ballast for super tankers are just a few. Never will you hear me complain about the extra miles needed to walk in order to circumnavigate a bloater.

I rest my case!

The above is a verbatim quotation, in the words of the most excellent Sharpy of West Yorkshire......... (I know, cos I've still got his notes, just in case the spawny twat drops enough lottery to set "M'learned friends" on me)

Thursday 20 March 2014

Hey ho ! The nazis are at it again.......

"They" make a rule, then the tory voting business heads work out a scam to cream off money, then they get too greedy and this comes to light, then the politicians panic and change that rule to pander to the voter, the industry that was "quids in" squeals like a pig and their supporters start rolling out criticism of that change.

We had the government's "budget" speech yesterday. A budget from a chancellor of the exchequer, who appears to have his eyes on further power (he doesn't need more money, he's already a multi-millionaire), so he's changed the rule that said that pension savings had to be used to buy an annuity. So now, new pensioners will be able to decide what they do with their pension money.

The pension management companies squealed at the loss of some of their share value and one of the "naysayers" stated that we'll all draw down all the pension money and fritter it away.......

But of course, that's not scaremongering is it.....