I haven't really blogged much about Brexit, because it's been so heavily covered in the media.
Some people are moaning about "brexit fatigue", which I can sort of understand but certainly don't agree with.
Having read much from both sides, I'm happy to stick with my initial attitude that it's a stupid and ill thought out move.
It would seem that Cameron initially decided a referendum was a good idea because it would shut the euro-skeptics up once and for all.
They put more effort in with their campaign, even though the most basic of scrutiny of their claims has turned out to not only be "spin" but lies, both bare faced and by omission.
ALL the economic stuff that "Remain" put out comes from authoritative individuals and groups. Some of it is showing itself to be true as it all progresses.
For instance, any job losses at Sunderland, Scunthorpe or Swindon ? well congratulations. You've got what you voted for.
"But we didn't vote for that" I hear them squeal, but yes my friends, it doesn't matter whether you thought about it at all, you're getting exactly what you voted for.
Oh, you didn't realise that leaving the EU might entail job losses, higher prices in the shops, a loss of many freedoms you currently enjoy, etc etc ? Well again, tough shit - that's what you voted for.
Neither side have/had a plan. Remain because of complacency, Leave because most of their leading lights are "one policy wonders" and the politicians who've actually supported it don't have enough of a depth of knowledge to come up with alternatives, let alone a coherent set of policies that cover most, if not all possible issues.
The Leave side are still trying to keep their head down and mouth shut, except to keep parroting about how the vote result was "the will of the people", I'd suggest that's because THEY KNOW that keeps people in the dark as to the true negatives of leaving the EU. Taking the view that "what they don't know, can't hurt them" is just pure bollocks. It leaves the majority of the country in political limbo, with no clue as to how to prepare for something they aren't aware of or don't understand. While all the "leading lights" of Leave, are wealthy/comfortable enough to withstand any downturn in economics that WILL AFFECT THE WORKING CLASSES THE MOST.
Business who aren't so good will end up laying people off. So those then end up on the benefits shit pile (costing the country more).
Plus all the attempts by leave to paint a prettier picture of leaving the EU to isolate the country economically, are alluding to the metaphor of "jam tomorrow".
Ok, well that's a marvellous idea. Except what if "tomorrow" is a generation away ? and what if that "tomorrows jam" turns out to be a single serving portion to split down about 70 million way ? who decides who'll get that single serving ? you and me ? not fucking likely.
If you think brexit is a good idea you are a fool, a waste of effort and just about qualify as "land fill"
You don't leave a job without a new one to go to. You don't change one plan or idea unless you've got a better one to replace it with.......
Unicorns don't exist. Farage and the rest of this rubbish are trying for a power grab that will represent a profit margin to them in some way. Whether it's JRM and his hedge fund (off shore, coincidentally), or Farage and his change to get rid of the NHS so that it has to be profit making insurance based (like the US, who pay more for their health care and enjoy a lower standard), or Hubris and his raging hard on to be prime minister (depsite his lack of ability to lead and the job being beyond his ability - no he's not an unintelligent person, but he'd be better sticking to his journalism, because when a political job gets difficult, he just runs away).............
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