So, my old phone was showing its age, as well as a few minor issues.
Now I'm no expert. I have an idea how it all works but you tend to get different ways of doing the same stuff depending on the maker (and yes, I appreciate that's no surprise, given that they all want a unique selling point etc).
So I opted for a Oneplus 5. In many ways it's a good phone, but there does seem a few issues.
They seem to have done some work on customer services, like setting up a community thing (which I also have problems with). I've managed to read a few of the problems peeps have had etc.
It arrived yesterday, and started on, though I'm buggered if I can find a decent instruction book/download. Ok so maybe there's something here already installed ? if there is, I'm fucked if I can find it.
So I'm having to look on the net for guidance etc.
By yesterday afternoon, I hadn't managed to migrate any stuff from my old phone except getting logged into Google and managing to use some of that data etc.
I've also been presented with a system update via some form of nagware, so had to update the device.
This has raised one of the issues I've read about, the instability of the Wi-Fi connection after the update. It doesn't hold the connection and I've yet to find a way of getting it to give me warnings/notifications when it drops, or even any way of switching off the move data for my sim card/number etc.
The community forums won't let me ask a question until I have X amount of posts. Apparently this is an anti-spam thing, yet if I can't post questions when new to the brand/device, how the fuck can I clock up any posts ?
The design of the phone is pretty good, as is the various sites used to provide info about the brand and models....... It's like they gave most of the development time to designers and not enough to engineers and developers to make it work properly........
Well it's taken me a week to get used to it. I'm getting there slowly.
I still haven't managed to find some of the stuff I want to do, but like "British Rail", I'll get there eventually........
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