Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The illegal pikey site in Essex ?

So the police etc have moved onto the illegal travellers site at Dale Farm, which is near/in Basildon, in Essex.

Big fucking deal! They were made aware of the illegality of their act (the pikeys that is). The local council have done the eviction procedures by the book (apparently). The case has been in front of some of the highest courts in the country. Hell, the courts have even allowed a few last minute applications, just to see that "fair play" is seen to be done.....

The pikeys just won't admit that they've lost the legal battle and its time to move on.

In truth, I guess that they just don't like the idea that they've lost and that the rule of law must be respected. I suppose that the police are just doing their job, whether the pikeys like it or not, they can't or haven't found a loophole in the law.

Plus what seems to make it more annoying, is that the pikeys are trying to portray themselves as some sort of oppressed minority group, which as blatantly a load of bollocks. All of the pikey types I've ever encountered have been "travellers" through choice and are just a bunch of drossy scumbags made up of people from various groups.

Plus now there's a load of shit stirrers and so called progressive types. In other words, "do gooders" who seem to carry on looking for causes too support.

Well, as I understand that the eviction is being done entirely legally, then fuck 'em. Evicted the pikeys and bust the do gooders for obstruction of justice.

Irrespective of that lot, its a difference of opinion between do-gooders and nimbies. If local authorities have to provide somewhere for travellers/pikeys/whatever, to go then do so, but then the nimbies get their say and as it tends to be nimbies who own the land, then the law will usually fall on their side.....

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