This is what I found this morning, when I was stumbling around the net.
It makes, IMO, interesting reading. Prompting various different thoughts about what's been going on.
It reminded me of the attitude, that seems prevelant in society these days, that governments of all flavours, don't only want to spoon feed us with crap, but also to keep us scared.
"Keep us scared" ? I hear you say. Yes. I'll use an odd analogy.
Firearms. Yes, firearms. What was it? a decade or two ago, we had the Michael Ryan case (the link is just a memory refresher). Then there was also the "Dunblane" incident. Now, it's cases like this, that caused knee jerk legislation, which has effectively outlawed/banned all hand guns, as well as just about all firearms (as distinct from shot guns). Yes, there are cases where they're allowed (outside of "officialdom" that is).
So if it was such a necessary thing to do, why is it that gun crime is higher now, than it's ever been ? And that's not just hand gun issues. What about these idiots who seem to think that "gangsta" culture is appropriate. These are, after all, the people who seem to find very little difficulty in locating sources of illegal firearms, of a type which couldn't really be described as hand guns. Yes, I'm alluding to automatic weapons of many types.
Legally held firearms, are available for inspection to the authorities. As is the sanction of having a firearms certificate removed from a holder.
So what difference has the legislation made ? Well, IMO, no fucking difference whatsoever!
We're all supposed to feel safer aren't we, yet the various news outlets are happy to keep throwing stories/articles at us that tell us about how much danger is still "out there".
See where I'm going ? They're keeping us scared.
The hand gun thing was just an analogy, but there's many, many issues where "they" are only too happy to tell us just how much danger we're in. Especially the control freak liberal do gooder types. Hell, they're some of the worst.
Yes, those selfish, greedy, "little Englander" types that are found easily among the ranks of the Tory party, as well as the more extreme right, are to be expected to be like that. As long as they're left to live in their "chocolate box lid" home counties villages and small towns, then the rest of us can just fuck off. But to get what amounts to a similar attitude from the liberal do gooder types, in the guise of "New" Labour, you know, all smiles with shining teeth and that patronising "I know best" attitude of Mr Blair et al, really grates.
I'm not saying for a moment, that any kind of "lefty" thinking is required, because that's just "control freakery" of a different type, that gives the same result. It's just that it seems that the moderate "centerist" view is over looked in the same patronising way, whether it be Blairite types, who want to be your friend etc, or the current underhanded bastards who run the country. Lets face it, they all try and condescend to us, telling us how "they understand". Yet I say bollocks. How can a privately educated, Oxford graduate, who's rich in his own right, tell me that he understands what it's like to be working class, having to work 60 hours plus every week, for what would be a poverty wage (if it wasn't for my partner and her full time job as well)....
Sure, the bastard in the top job at the moment also works long hours etc, but in the surroundings provided for his office/position mean that he's wrapped in cotton wool of the highest, most expensive type.
Yes, I'm also aware that some of the rioters, might have had a bit of a reason to protest/complain about "their lot", but most of them are the product of continued "Americanisation" started by that old bitch Thatcher.
It's these people, our so called "Leaders", who want us scared. That way, we'll carry on buying the products of their companies, as those gimmicks/gadgets make us feel safer. They want us to keep paying for food that's tant amount to eating processed dog shit (lowest cost to produce, with the highest mark up). Hell I'm surprised that they haven't suggested reducing the road speed limit to 5 mph and re-instate the requirement for the bloke with the red flag to walk in front of the cars (ha! they won't do that will they, otherwise all the corporate oligarchs would have to slow down as well.... that's not good for business is it).
Yes, I know that for every action, there's a reaction, but these people who "lead" us, are supposed to either be the brightest of us, or have access to the brightest minds as advisors, to get things right. But they're not are they. They're just being partisan enough to keep their boots on our necks.
I mean, they wouldn't like the EU to prevent employers being able to pay a pittance, unless you sign away your right to a 48 hour working week. Because that, is apparently, the only way to keep business profitable isn't it. Of course, it's got nothing to do with keeping us working longer hours, just so "the leaders" know where we are, so we're not causing any trouble, you know, causing riots in the streets and hampering the efficiency of business to make shitloads of cash at our expense....
No, I don't agree with people tearing the various cities where the rioting has occurred apart, but at the same time, I don't entirely disagree with them either. What was initially a protest about the shooting (by police) of someone who may, or may not have fired on them first is for the courts to establish. It's certainly not for some of the various communities to use it as an excuse to bleat about how hard done by they are, and end up ripping places apart and trying to justify their actions of thuggery, thievery and criminal damage.
Ha! I can almost hear them from here, scuttling around Westminster, trying to work out whether they can just get away with tightening up some existing regulations or whether they need to think up some new ones......
Well I hope that my rant reads as if it's got some point to it and doesn't come across like some meandering tirade from my soap box.....
If it does ? Fuck it, what the hell eh! Just goes to show that while some of use don't care about a lot of stuff, because it seems so irrelevant, we do care about our own position and rights (most of which come from Europe anyway, the control freaks don't want us to have our own bill of rights or formal written constitution do they)...
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