Saturday, 20 August 2011

Fashionable as fuck !

Here in the UK, it seems that we do like our fashion, specifically the fashion in clothes.

But what happens, when a specific fashion is either stupid, or makes us look stupid ?

A good example of this, is "Ugg" boots. Yes, they do have some good points. Yes, they're probably nice and comfortable, and equally probably, nice and warm to the wearer. But, the very nature of them, means that they're only very good in cold, dry weather.

They seem to be made of some type of leather/skin product, like sheep skin, judging by the look of them. They seem to have little or no support for the foot and also have the look of a material which has little or no water proof qualities whatsoever.

In fact, they're fucking ugly looking. They have the appearance of the sort of footwear that used to aimed at old ladies to keep their feet warm while sitting in front of a fire in the winter, mainly in adverts that appeared in the magazine supplements that came with the Sunday newspapers (presumably to justify the increased cost of the newspapers printed for distribution/sale on Sundays).

But, it's rather obvious, that some so called "celebrity" has or had, been photographed wearing them, and that "celeb" had a sufficiently high profile, to be used and upheld by fashion writers/journalists, to be lauded as a "fashion icon" in the press.

Now it so happens, that as a male who spends a lot of time transporting goods around his immediate local area, that I see a lot of people. Also, being a bloke, I realise that I'm genetically programmed to notice the women in the local area as well. Yet I try and be a little objective and not only notice the women, but also how the men/blokes etc appear as well.

Womens fashions change more than mens do, or that's how it seems. Yet it also seems that certain "mens fashions" can also make men look as equally stupid, as some womens fashions make the women look.

It's become clear, that a lot of us have no idea of how we look to others and as a result, make "fashion choices" that are entirely inappropriate, and make us look like idiots/fools to others. That in turn, can make for problems/issues, in how other people react to us.

I've also noticed that you don't need to be dressed in clothes that are of the latest so called fashion, to look good. It would appear that it's more about picking clothes that are suitable to our individual size and shape - something that varies one hell of a lot. The other thing I've noticed, is that we don't necessarily need to "dress our age". I mean, do all women over, say, 50, need wear dresses that make them look like their dress is made from material that might have once been a set of 1970's curtains ? No, of course they don't.

I've concluded that it might be better to teach our kids a little more about understanding what goes with what. Why certain people of certain racial origins and appearances can get away with some styles which would look stupid on people who originate from different cultural/racial backgrounds.

For example, women who have darker coloured skin, can make a piece of clothing that's of a bright pink colour look good/smart, while lighter skinned women can't - it makes them seem like they have a "pig like" quality to their appearance, yet we seem to insist on continuing the social brainwashing of "pink for girls, blue for boys".

It's more about style, than fashion. Yet the so called "Fashion houses" continue to con us, getting fat on the riches of our purses/wallets/bank accounts.....

Me ? I'm just rather lazy with it all. With the exception of the clothes I've been supplied with by various employers, who want to portray a certain look, while they're paying me to work for them, the contents of my wardrobe are almost entirely variations of black. Not because I want to look like something out of a funeral procession, but it just means that whatever I grab to wear on a given day, if nothing else, it all matches. I never look like an explosion in an artists painting set. It just goes together, by virtue of being similar or the same colour. Any kind of accessories I need, are what then gives me a specific "image". I'm unlucky (which is relative) in being reasonably tall, which, because of the ways that the retailers work their ordering/sales practices, means that I'm often limited in the styles/types of clothes available to me. Or that I have to hunt around a lot to find stuff that fits correctly.

Will we ever change ? Not in the foreseeable future. Our youth have been too well brain washed, and it might take a few more riots in the inner cities for all of the less privileged youth to have got new, over priced, yet fashionable clothes to look good. Instead of making themselves look like some sort of sub-species.........

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