Fuck me, with the rough end of a pineapple ! Two posts in one day............
Anyway. It's been a bad week for UK politics. We've lost to of the lefts prominent and influential characters.
Earlier in the week, it was
Bob Crow. One of the countrys best, modern day, union leaders IMO (and no, I'm not an "RMT" member).
Then followed by
Tony Benn. A well known British "lefty" if there ever was one......
In the case of Bob Crow, his death was premature, at 52 years of age, only 4 years older than me (currently). With Tony Benn, not entirely unexpected as he'd been "ill" for some time and was 88 years old.....
I consider myself an "old style socialist". Not one of the newer centrist types, who seem to want to lick the arse of business. I believe that there'll be winners and losers, but that as long as what ever is to be won and lost over, is done in the fairest, most democratic way possible, then that's fine by me. Whichever side I'm on, I have to accept it.
The centre and the right, politically speaking, are, seemingly, more fashionable today. I might think that the only good "tory" is a dead one, but I'll happily fight for the right of people to be tories, however much I disagree with them......
So, ok, the "left" is unfashionable at the moment. The loss of characters like Tony Benn and Bob Crow, will throw the UK political scene out of balance. There may indeed be people in the background to replace them, but I don't know who they might be, as no-one's names come to mind at the moment........
Which is a shame, as generally speaking, the British political scene seems to be peoples with a lot of bland, slimey, lickspittle, grovelling creeps at the moment. Who want voters to think good of them, to think themselves worthy of receiving our votes. Well let me say this..... You're doing a shit job of changing anything for the better, you're tinkering round the edges of things that end up with us getting more of the same old shit.
How about suggesting that changing a few of the fundamental things that give us this pile of shit that we call "Great Britain" ?
Give us a formal, written, constitution. Give us a formal, written, bill of rights. Ban "public" (which means private, fee paying, to any American person who might read this) school. If "Public" school is so much better than state schools, then bring the state schools to the better standard. Don't allow the rich to buy their kids a better education at the expense of the rest of us, and as that's not all they get with their public schooling - they get access to "the old boys network" i.e. where people who went to the same (usually, exclusive, fee paying, private) school, or maybe the same equally exclusive University (there's a couple like that, who come to mind), and end up only getting their friends into jobs or appointments, often with state/government positions, etc etc etc.....
Make it that if there's some, however distant/tenuous "conflict of interest", that the person who might be in a position of influence, has, by law, to stand back and allow others to make the selection/appointment/decision.
Little things like that, might, give us a better country.
Equally, it would reduce any influence of the xenophobic, rascist, "little Englander", fools who people the political right. Things like election to government by proportional representation, would be the most fair and democratic. After all, most people wouldn't recognise their member of Parliament if he/she was staring at them in the street! They look for the political affiliation on the ballot paper.
Sure, such rules and regs, would give us a few extremist outsiders, but any influence they might have or bring in, would be watered down as to be ineffective. We'd have few, if any, "landslide" victories, by one part of the other, so it would have to be smaller, incremental changes in society. Less of making the rich richer, and more fair to the rest of us.
In any case, this is unlikely to happen, as both the tories (right/centre-right) and labour (centre and centre-left - certainly not left at the moment) don't want that too happen as they'd likely be the biggest losers - they wouldn't be, but they'd have to work much harder to have the influence they currently enjoy in their respective "sphere's".........
I for one, will happily remember the likes of Bob Crow and Tony Benn........